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Webinar: What does a Data Steward do?

More and more universities are offering data stewardship services and setting up corresponding positions. You can learn more about this concept in the next online workshop in the RDM in Austria series on 20.5.2021.

Photo of the three data stewards of TU Graz

Data Stewards of TU Graz: Hermann Schranzhofer, Sarah Stryeck and Alexander Gruber l Photo: Victoria Graf

The webinar "What does a data steward do?" introduces those experts who provide comprehensive advice and support on questions and challenges in research data management. You will gain insights into the concept and role of data stewards. The focus will be on typical tasks that span the entire research data lifecycle.

The agenda includes reports on experiences from the Netherlands, where the data steward concept has already been successfully in practice for some time, as well as tandem talks by data stewards and researchers from TU Graz.

The target audience of this event are researchers, people from research support and data stewards as well as other interested persons from funding agencies, universities and other research institutions.



  • Mijke Jetten, Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences
  • Heather Andrews, TU Delft
  • Sarah Stryeck & Benedikt Riegler, TU Graz
  • Hermann Schranzhofer & Christoph Moser, TU Graz
  • Alexander Gruber & Armin Zankel, TU Graz

Date and Time:

20.5.2021, 10:00 - 12:00

More information and registration:

Workshop page of the FAIR Data Austria project, opens an external URL in a new window


About the event series

The event series Research Data Management in Austria, opens an external URL in a new window is aimed at researchers and/or people involved in research support and services to promote networking and exchange on the topic of research data management, writing a data management plan and similar related topics.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16, 1040 Vienna, opens in new window

Twitter: @RDMTUWien