All news at TU Wien

Maintenance work TUnet backbone Campus Favoritenstraße 9-11

The building backbone router Favoritenstraße 9-11 will be replaced in a maintenance window on Thursday, September 22, 2022 between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Within this time, there will be an interruption of all TUnet services in the affected campus areas for a maximum of 10 minutes.

The TUnet Campus Enterprise network infrastructure is continuously adapted to the needs of the TU Wien. Currently, a modern 100 Gigabit Ethernet infrastructure is being created in order to be future-proof for requirements in the course of advancing digitalization.

After the successful renewal of the core routers as well as the backbone routers in the areas Getreidemarkt, Gußhaus, Karlsplatz, Science Center, Atominstitut and Freihaus, this technology upgrade is now being carried out for the campus area Favoritenstraße. The building areas affected are HA to HG, Taubstummengasse HL and Theresianumgasse QA. The exchange will take place during the maintenance window mentioned above. During this time, there will be interruptions in TUnet services such as Internet access for wired TUnet LAN connections of workstations and servers, as well as in WLAN and TUphone (VoIP telephony) on the affected campus for a maximum of 10 minutes. This also applies to GuT access systems and cameras. Communication between workstations in Favoritenstraße and the server housing HBEG02 is briefly restricted - communication between servers in the server housing should not be affected. data center services as well as the parts of the server housing HBEG02 that are connected to other backbone locations in terms of network technology are not affected by the reconstruction.

We are trying to keep the interruptions as short as possible and thank you for your understanding.

After the reconstruction, the Campus Favoritenstraße is highly available with 4x 100GbE connections to the TUnet core and thus well equipped for future requirements in terms of performance and TUnet access connection capacity.

No changes to your end systems are necessary. If you suspect a problem after completing the maintenance work carried out, please first check the network settings of your system or contact the IT contact person at your institute. Also check the TUnet-Status and currently listed messages on Home, opens in new window. If problems persist, send an email to or contact us at 58801-42002.