All news at TU Wien

Maintenance work fiber optic infrastructure

Maintenance work on components of the fiber optic infrastructure between Campus TU Wien and Campus Arsenal Science Center on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m., and Thursday, April 29, 2021 between 10:00 a.m. and 14:00 p.m.

To increase reliability, modifications must be made to the existing optical multiplexer infrastructure. In the process, existing fiber optic lines will be switched to other paths and components will be replaced.
Affected are TUnet backbone and backnet services, as well as the redundant Internet connections of the TU Wien and the VSC/EODC.
Due to implemented redundancy, however, there will be no loss of services, but only reduced bandwidth during the specified maintenance windows.

We strive to keep the interruptions as short as possible and thank you for your understanding.

No changes to your end systems are necessary. If you suspect a problem after completing the maintenance work carried out, please first check the network settings of your system or contact the IT contact person at your institute. Also check the TUnet status and currently listed messages on Home. If problems persist, send an email to or contact us at 58801-42002.