All news at TU Wien

Maintenance Server Housing Favoritenstraße 9-11

On Thursday, 21. April 2022, a part of the switch infrastructure for the server housing (SH) Favoritenstraße server rooms HBEG02 will be renewed in a maintenance window between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. This will result in interruptions of the network connections.

Support (hardware and software) for some of the switches currently in operation has been discontinued by the manufacturer. They will therefore be replaced by current, more powerful models as part of the planned lifecycle process. This conversion work will take place on Thursday, 21. April 2022 in a maintenance window between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. During this work, the affected devices installed in the server housing will be switched to the new network components. This will result in a loss of accessibility of the connected systems and all applications and services active on them. The inaccessibility can last up to 5 min. This also affects redundant (i.e. multiple) connected systems.

Important: If institute firewalls are located in the SH, there will be interruptions to the Internet or TU Wien Intranet Services for institute networks as well.

We will try to keep the interruptions as short as possible and thank you for your understanding.

No changes to your end systems are necessary. If you suspect a problem after completing the maintenance work carried out, please first check the network settings of your system or contact the IT contact person at your institute. Also check the TUnet-Status, opens an external URL in a new window, and currently listed messages on Home, opens in new window. If problems persist, send an email to or contact us at 58801-42002.