All news at TU Wien

Data centre network maintenance

On Wednesday, April 20, 2022 necessary changes will be made to the TU Wien data centre network.

During a maintenance window between 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. the following services will not be available: 

  • TUfiles 
  • TUWEL 
  • ACEnet
  • LectureTube 
  • TUownCloud und TUproCloud
  • TUsoftware

The services will be taken out of operation so that there is no loss of data during the maintenance work. We will make every effort to complete the maintenance work as quickly as possible and thank you for your understanding.

No changes to your end systems are necessary. If you suspect a problem after completing the maintenance work carried out, please first check the network settings of your system or contact the IT contact person at your institute. Also check the TUnet status, opens an external URL in a new window and currently listed messages on Home, opens in new window. If problems persist, send an email to or contact us at 58801-42002.