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Lecture by Prof. Vaidotas Marozas (Kaunas University of Technology), January 31th 2023

Photoplethysmography, Wearable Devices and Selected Applications

Smartwatch connected via cables to electrodes on the thorax of a mannequin

© Vaidotas Marozas



The lecture will present a short history of wearables and photoplethysmography (PPG), hypotheses related to origins of PPG, PPG sensors and novel integrated wearable device KTU_watch, which was already used in numerous research projects.

PPG signals are convenient to register but they present many challenges due to signal quality and artifacts. Nevertheless, these signals are promising for long-term unobtrusive monitoring of cardiac arrhythmia, blood pressure, mental stress, and pain.

Personal details:

Prof. Vaidotas Marozas (Member, IEEE) received the B.S., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electronics engineering from the Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania, in 1993, 1995, and 2000, respectively.

He is the coordinator of the Biomedical Engineering Master Program since 2007, a professor in the Department of Electronics Engineering since 2015, and the director of the Biomedical Engineering Institute, opens an external URL in a new window, Kaunas University of Technology, since 2016.

His research focuses on developing devices and signal processing algorithms for personal health monitoring. He has led projects and contracts dedicated to the development of systems for heart arrhythmia monitoring, tools for studying hypotension, diver’s physiology, mental stress, and pain.


Date: January 31th 2023, 3 pm

Location: Library E363, opens an external URL in a new window