All news at TU Wien

vivihouse: Sustainable Urban Architecture

The innovative building project vivihouse was initiated, among others, by alumni of the university course on sustainable building of TU Wien and TU Graz.


vivihouse is an innovative building system for the construction of multi-storey buildings for mixed use. It is based on a modular timber frame construction. The use of ecological materials, adaptability and longevity are focused. vivihouse can be adapted to different properties, uses and tastes and can even be dismantled, transported and reassembled at another location. Since autumn 2017, a team of experts and students has been developing and testing this construction method. A three-story vivihouse is currently being built in Vienna. 

Build your own vivihouse

The vivihouse components can be built by anyone and everyone. Depending on needs and abilities, vivihouse is suitable for supervised construction workshops with laymen, for classical carpentry or computer-aided manufacturing in FabLabs. A cooperation platform will enable planners to further develop the construction system in the long term.

You can find more information about the project on, opens an external URL in a new window

University course Sustainable Construction at the TU Wien & TU Graz

Do you also want to develop professionally in a constantly growing industry and contribute to ensuring that future generations can live climate-neutrally? Apply for the course Sustainable Construction, which starts on November 5, 2020, by September 28. You will find all the information you need at