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Visiting Indonesia

Heidi Halbwirth spent a guest stay at the Indonesian University of Hasanuddin from from August 29th to 31st.

[Translate to English:] Heidi Halbwirth during an oral presentation at the University in Indonesia

Heidi Halbwirth during an oral presentation at the University in Indonesia.

Source: Weekly News Issue 42, Aug 28 – Sept 2, 2023; Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

On 29 – 31 August 2023, the Agricultural Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta), Hasanuddin University (UNHAS), invited Prof. Dr. techn. Heidi Halbwirth from the Institute of Chemical, Environmental and Bioscience Engineering, Technology University of Vienna (TU Wien), Austria, to carry out case-based and project-based course content redesign workshops, Focus Group Discussions (FGD) for developing research collaborations, and public lectures. These activities are a series of activities for the PendidikanTinggi (DIKTI) or Higher Education Independent Campus
Competition Program (PKKM) scheme obtained by the Agricultural Engineering Study Program, UNHAS.

During this visit, Prof. Heidi carried out public lecture activities at Lecture Theater 6 (LT 6) Faperta UNHAS, which was attended by 103 participants consisting of students and lecturers from the Agricultural Engineering Study Program and the Agricultural Science and Technology Study Program.
The course content redesign workshop and FGD for developing research collaboration were attended by the Dean of the Faperta, Prof. Dr. Ir. Salengke, M.Sc, lecturers and educational staff of the Agricultural Engineering study program. Apart from that, the teaching staff of the UNHAS Food Science and Technology Study Program also attended the FGD for the development of research collaboration. The output of this FGD was the signing of an MoU between the Faculty of Agriculture UNHAS and the Institute of Chemical, Environmental and Bioscience Engineering TU Wien.