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"Virus scanner" and endpoint protection at the TU

ESET Endpoint Security for desktops and servers as Campus Software

The market for "anti-virus software" is in upheaval: every current operating system already has extensive virus protection integrated. Therefore, providers of commercial anti-virus software have to change their software to meet the current threats on the one hand and the new business environments on the other.

These changes also have an impact on Student- and Campus Software. The well-known products from Avira, Sophos and Symantec will be, or have already been, discontinued in the known form by the manufacturer. We can therefore no longer offer them as Student- and Campus Software.

The trend is towards all-encompassing cloud-based protection applications. However, this involves transferring a lot of computer data (for evaluating intrusion scenarios) to cloud storage that is often not defined more precisely. has therefore decided against these successor products of the providers already in use at this stage.

The company ESET offered us two product categories that allow central licence management but do not transfer any computer data to cloud storage. After an unusually long implementation phase (as ESET had not yet implemented licence management in a licence distribution comparable to the TU), we are now in a position to offer ESET Endpoint Security for desktops, opens an external URL in a new window and servers, opens an external URL in a new window as Campus Software; the desktop version will also soon be available in the Student Software.

Please note:

  • Due to the licence model, the minimum order period is always 1 year.
  • The desktop version requires 1 licence per device, the server version can serve 5 devices per licence.
  • The ESET account is optional, but necessary for licence management.