All news at TU Wien

Vienna Young Scientists Symposium 2020

Invitation to participate in the Vienna Young Scientists Symposium 2020 (VSS 2020) on June 25th and 26th at TUtheSky

Earth: Symbol of VSS 2020

Vienna Young Scientists Symposium 2020: on June 25th and 26th @ TUtheSky

The aim of VSS is to connect young researchers at TU Wien and offer them a platform to present their scientific work.

It takes place on June 25th and 26th 2020. You are invited to participate actively as a speaker or by presenting a poster at VSS 2020. Please submit a two-page Extended Abstract until March 15th 2020:


This year for the first time contributions will be highlighted, that introduce a method utilized in your own research and suitable for cooperation especially well to other young researchers. Take the chance for your contribution to be highlighted by our reviewers as a Highlight Talk! For this you should give the methods, that your working group can offer for collaborations, enough space in your abstract and talk and take care that your contribution is well-suited for an interdisciplinary audience.

You have always wanted to know what it is like to chair a session at a conference? This year may be your chance! Apply with an abstract and if you want you will be considered as a chair person for a session at VSS 2020 – with the unique possibility to learn the dos and don’ts of chairing from a professional.


The symposium has an overall theme of "Technology, Science, and Design for a Sustainable World". We invite you to submit an abstract to one of the mini-symposia with the following themes:

  • Innovative Materials and Green Chemistry
  • Energy and Resource Engineering
  • Sustainable Buildings, Cities and Infrastructures
  • Environmental Analysis and Modeling


Further information can be found at, opens an external URL in a new window

Take the chance for scientific networking as well as to get to know each other, exchange thoughts and ideas, and cooperate within the group of young researchers at TU Wien!

Join the organizing team!

Are you interested in joining the organizing team for the next VSS in 2021? The team welcomes any new members from different faculties of TU Wien to help organize the VSS. Please send an e-mail to