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Vienna Lviv - 20 Years of Academic Cooperation

Symposium Urban Dynamics within Global Changes

Cooperation team at the Partner-Symposium in Lviv, 19th November 2015

Cooperation team at the Partner-Symposium in Lviv, 19th November 2015

Cooperation team at the Partner-Symposium in Lviv, 19th November 2015

Since the era of globalization, urban development conditions have become more and more determined by external factors. It is less the decision of a mayor or a local parliament who appoint the framework of the on-going urban development. Cities have to lead their immediate career within an extensive framework of regional, international and global networks of economic, political or even social processes. This on-going dynamic is leading to booming and emerging cities on one hand as well as to decreasing processes or shrinkage on the other.

The on-going territorial conflict in Ukraine since 2013, besides being a humanitarian disaster in the conflict zone, is having immense effects for the urban development in nearly all Ukrainian cities. This situation has already generated more than two millions national refugees moving to other cities to try and build their future. Several urban regions of the Ukraine, which have been accustomed to a decreasing population since the 1990ies, are now suddenly forced to manage an increasing growth together with becoming social and humanitarian hot spots.

The symposium „Urban Dynamics within Global Changes“ is going to analyze the current and future challenges of urban regions in Ukraine based on the above-mentioned circumstances. Which goals should be formulated to influence this current urban reality? What tools within Urban Planning can be applied to improve the living conditions? Who might be the actors to manage that process.

The 20-year anniversary of the Academic Cooperation between the Vienna University of Technology and the National Lviv Polytechnic University on the level of the Faculties of Architecture will be an appropriate framework to discuss these topics. Planners, academics and decision makers from the Ukraine and Europe will draw a multilayer pattern of this complex situation by reporting their everyday experience of work within different formats of lectures, short-inputs and discussions.

Andreas Hofer and Elisabeth Leitner

Christian Gigler

Barbara Maschat

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