All news at TU Wien

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2024

The 2024 Vienna Catchment Science Symposium will be held on Saturday, April 20th, the day after the EGU meeting in Vienna.

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2024 Presentation

Vienna Catchment Science Symposium 2024

This is a small informal meeting focused around several full-length talks, workshops and a lot of  unstructured conversation, as a contrast to the frenzy of 15-minute talks and countless posters at EGU. The overall theme is "Outrageous hypotheses in hydrology".

Confirmed speakers are Upmanu Lall, Nandita Basu and Pedro Chaffe. Please find here the programme, opens an external URL in a new window. Updates will be posted at,, opens an external URL in a new window under News.

The symposium has been modelled after the Berkeley Meeting Jim Kirchner has been organising in the past years, and we have held similar meetings after EGU since 2010.

Doors will open at 8:30 AM with coffee, pastries and greetings. The meeting will start at 8:45, featuring ~35 minute talks and extended discussion, with breaks for lunch and snacks. The afternoon session will include small group discussion sessions to allow more in depth discussion of outrageous hypotheses in hydrology. The day will finish off with an exchange of group findings, followed by drinks and dinner.


The Meeting will be held in the Kuppelsaal of Vienna University of Technology, in central Vienna, at Karlsplatz. Free food and  drinks will be served. To make arrangements we need to know who will attend. Please sign up no later than April 1st by replying to