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Event series "Countermovements: Giving the Economy its Place"

The event series takes up Karl Polanyi's motif of COUNTER-MOVEMENTS in order to critically examine the social struggles of our time as responses to a market capitalism that has gotten out of control and to reflect on alternative designs and visions of a social development based on solidarity and sustainability.

Giving the economy its place (March-June 2021)
Many societal problems are caused by misunderstanding the economy as a market economy, thus making ecological and social concerns secondary. However, this narrow view of economics often proves destructive, which is why the first part of the series looks for alternatives.  

Capitalism and Democracy (October-December 2021).
While socially liberated capitalism was accompanied by the expansion of democracy in the second half of the last century, it has since been contested in a new way. The second part of the event series discusses current developments and shows to what extent democracy is endangered today and how and where struggles for a democratic polity are taking place. 

The event series is organized by WU Wien, TU Wien, International Karl Polanyi Society, JKU Linz, gfk - Gesellschaft für Kulturpolitik (Linz), IAE - Institut für angewandte Entwicklungspolitik (Linz), VHS Linz and the Wiener Volkshochschulen, in cooperation with AK Wien and AK Oberösterreich.  

All dates and details, opens an external URL in a new window are available online.