All news at TU Wien

Update on the development of our TU Wien data repository

We present the latest features and look forward to your feedback!

[Translate to English:] Screenshot der Startseite von TU Wien Research Data

What's new?

It has been a while since our last update on TU Wien's research data repository, opens an external URL in a new window (working title: TU Wien Research Data), and development has been steadily progressing since then.

Probably the biggest news item comes from the side of CERN, since they released the first production-ready version of InvenioRDM in August:, opens an external URL in a new window

This important release brought quite a few changes under the hood which allowed us to fully utilize some features that had previously been only partially functional. Among these features are the Citation Style Language export (“Cite As”), as well as the proper definition of controlled vocabularies for Resource Types which we are currently finalizing.

Another large and more immediately visible change is the visual redesign. One benefit of this new design is that it brings the service visually more in line with other services from TU Wien. But by virtue of using many of the tools and features provided by Semantic UI React, it also increases the site’s responsiveness on smaller devices and adjusts its navigation style to better suit handheld devices:

[Translate to English:] Screenshots Handyansicht

Please note that the new design is still under development and thus at times a bit rough around the edges. However, we would like to point out that this also makes now the perfect moment to submit feedback and help shape the new design!

What’s next?

Now that all developers are coming back from their summer breaks, we intend to directly contribute to the development of InvenioRDM again soon.

Among others, we have identified the following features to be of particular interest for us:

  • Integration of Communities
  • COUNTER usage statistics:
  • Metadata export in additional formats, for example
  • Closer integration with other services, both external (for example ORCID and GitHub) as well as internal (for example TISS and TU GitLab)

Our next step is to compare and align our own road map and requirements with those of InvenioRDM and devise a plan of how to best support upstream development in the near future. In the case that there are any important features missing from this list, please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail or in person!


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien