All news at TU Wien

Upcoming .digital update on 15 June 2020

This .digital update is a first for us: We invite you to join us for our first virtual-only information event.


What stays as is usual: We inform you about current digitalization topics and already take you to summer and fall, at least in our plans for the next steps. Certainly CoVid-19 has left its mark with us as well, therefore we want to make time for some learnings of the last couple of weeks and months.

Date & Time: Monday, June 15, 2020, 15:00-17:00h
Venue: Zoom, opens an external URL in a new window

These topics will be addressed this time:

  • Update on the digital transformation at TU Wien - focus on collaboration
  • Digitalization and homeoffice
  • Results of the digitalization calls for projects .dcall FKG, .dcall Lehre and Student Life Hacks
  • Distance Learning as ad-hoc adaptation
  • Topics and projects to come

There will again be time and possibility to pose questions.

How can I take part?

If you want to join the meeting, click on the link for our information event, opens an external URL in a new window at the announced date and time. If you are using Zoom for the first time you will be asked to download and install the app once-only. The app is free of charge and to take part you do not need to use a licensed version.

Click on "Join a Meeting" in the pop-up window on your screen. If you want to participate at the event using audio/video, please enter your name. Now click on "Join" - and welcome as a participant. Take part, join in and help in shaping the digital transformation at TU Wien!

You can also take part via telephone only - Meeting-ID: 974 4560 9152:
easy mobile access
+4312535501,,97445609152# Österreich
+4312535502,,97445609152# Österreich

We will accompany and document this information event at TU coLAB. Should you have any questions and comments beforehand, please feel free to leave us a comment at, opens an external URL in a new window.

Should any questions arise in the meantime, the Office of the Vice Rectorate for Digitalisation and Infrastructure and the .digital office, opens in new window are there for you.

Univ. Prof. Dr. Josef Eberhardsteiner
Vice Rector Digitalisation & Infrastructure