All news at TU Wien

Our new Master and PhD students

In the past six months we welcomed 5 new master and 3 new PhD students to the Eder Research Group.

Group photo of our master and phd students

Jana Bischoff (Master)

Is working with Shagayegh Naghdi on selective ligand removal in MOFs for nitrogen reduction reaction.

Adrian Ertl (Master)

Is working on single-site functionalized MOFs for hydrogen evolution and is supervised by  Alexey Cherevan.

Maddie Weisweiller (Master)

Maddie is working with Alexey on photoreforming microplastics, a novel waste-to-value method.

Dorottya Varga (Master)

Is doing her master thesis with Dogukan Apaydin with the focus on photoelectrochemical characterization of heterometallic porphyrin conjugated polymer thin films.

Stefan Pfaffel (Master)

Will work during his master thesis on photoelectroreforming of formic acid for hydrogen production under the supervision of Dogukan Apaydin.

Bodo Baumgartner (PhD)

Will work on efficient green hydrogen production via (photo-)electrocatalytic water splitting with 3D-printed graphene-MoS2-hybrid-electrodes, supervised by Bernhard Bayer-Skoff.

Njomza Isufaj  (PhD)

Is gonna be working on h-BN used as heat spreaders under the supervision of Bernhard Bayer-Skoff.

Hannah Rabl  (PhD)

During her PhD she will continue her work on MOCHAs and their photoelectrocatalytic properties with Dogukan.


We wish you all the best and good luck with your research!