All news at TU Wien

Our new course format: MOVE.Walks

New this summer semester at TU Wien: The MOVE.Walks! Join us on the various walks through Vienna!

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Photograph of the group during the first MOVE.Walk

© Florian Pühringer (MOVE)

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Photograph of the group during the first MOVE.Walk

Photograph of a street in Favoriten

© Florian Pühringer (MOVE)

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Photograph of a street in Favoriten - taken during the first MOVE.Walk

Photograph of the group at a pit stop

© Florian Pühringer (MOVE)

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Photograph of the group at a pit stop during the first MOVE.Walk

The new MOVE.Walks course format

Scientific exchange is also of immense importance in the mobility sector. The MOVE research unit team would like to offer students the opportunity to explore Vienna's urban areas accompanied by experts from different fields such as politics, planning, administration, etc. and to discuss current trends in mobility planning at the same time.

Spatial and traffic planners change public space through their work. That is why well-founded assessments are important as a basis for planning. They are part of the daily work of planners. The MOVE.Walks course, opens an external URL in a new window gives students the option to experience what they have learned about (in theory), applied in the actual physical space. Thus, the combination of professional (external) input and walks leads to a varied programme in the middle of urban activities - happily outside of the university premises for once!

MOVE.Walk 1 | Favoriten

Walk #1 took place on Thursday, 27 April 2023. The focus of the first stroll was on cycling and cycling infrastructure in the 10th district (Favoriten, 1100 Vienna). 

In bright spring weather, the students visited current projects in Vienna's southern district with course supervisors Martin Berger, Jonathan Fetka and Florian Pühringer as well as DI David Schwab. Challenges were also discussed in detail. 

As a district councillor and member of the Favoriten mobility commission, DI David Schwab was also available to answer critical questions. We would like to take this opportunity to thank David again for giving our students an insight into the work of district politics!

This was only the first MOVE.Walk - stay tuned for more!