All news at TU Wien

Unplugged Exhibition

We are connected to the power supply 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And just as nature rests in winter and people sleep, this exhibition serves as a stimulus to reflect on how much energy we need to live.

Exhibition of Circotronic Project

© TU Wien - Forschungsgruppe Ecodesign

Unplugged exhibition

Unplugged is an exhibition that is part of the CIRCOTRONIC project. It aims to raise awareness of the EEE sector (electrical and electronic equipment), attempts to find solutions for future issues, encourages us to question our relationship with electronic products and provides tips on how the energy requirements of electrical appliances can be reduced.

Exhibition period: 10/2024 - 12/2024


Interreg Central Europe project logo - Circotronic

© Circotronic

Circotronic - projekt logo

Interreg Central Europe project logo - Circotronic