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Changing the online connection at Zoom and Adobe

As part of the renewal measures and the upcoming migration of the student software to the TUshop, the online connections from Adobe and Zoom will be migrated to new APIs

The TUshop will be the central element for ordering services. The campus software is already available via the TUshop, and all other orderable services will follow in the coming year. To this end, the parts that are not visible to end customers must also be migrated to the TUshop step by step. The next planned step is the user and license management of Adobe and Zoom.

The API change will be carried out from 12 noon on January 10, 2024. For you as an end customer, there may be interruptions to the login function until the end of the maintenance window. This means that you may not be able to log in to Adobe and Zoom products during the maintenance. Existing logins should not be affected. Furthermore, you will not be able to make any changes (order/cancel) to Adobe and Zoom products during the maintenance window.

After the changeover, login will no longer be with the TUpassword, but for employees with the upTUdate credentials, and for students with the network account (as for emails). The changeover will also make it possible to order Adobe products for student employees separately for each role (student and employee). It will then also be possible to have one account for student tasks (student software) and one account for staff tasks (campus software). For Zoom, one account will remain for both roles until further notice due to other dependencies.

We endeavor to keep the maintenance window as short as possible, but changes on this scale can take several hours.