All news at TU Wien

Adobe license transition

New Adobe contract brings expanded capabilities

TU Wien was able to achieve an extension of the functionalities with the new Adobe contract. The new licenses enable in addition to the known functions:

  • St Adobe Stock (unlimited download)
  • Sg Substance 3D Stager
  • Pt Substance 3D Painter
  • Sa Substance 3D Sampler
  • Ds Substance 3D Designer

In order to use the new licenses, all users must be transferred from the old "All Apps" license to the new "Pro" license. The changeover triggers two emails to each user:

  1. E-Mail: You no longer have access to All Apps
  2. E-Mail: Get started with Pro Edition

After receiving the two emails, logging out and logging in to Adobe will make the changes effective, or launching an Adobe application may cause the licenses to reload (a window will briefly appear).

Adobe Creative Cloud campus or student licenses will not be available for purchase during the transition, which is scheduled for the morning of Wednesday, April 6, 2022.