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TU Wien presents machine-actionable DMP tool at RDA plenary meeting

Zeno Casellato from Campus Software Development presented the tool DAMAP at the 17th plenary meeting of the Research Data Alliance (RDA).

Photo of Zeno Casellato at his desk with three screens during the online presentation.

Software developer Zeno Casellato at the RDA online meeting on 22 April 2021 l Photo: Tomasz Miksa


DAMAP is a tool that is currently being developed by TU Wien and TU Graz in the FAIR Data Austria project. It is based on the idea of machine actionable data management plans (maDMPs) and aims to facilitate the creation of data management plans (DMPs) for researchers. The tool is closely integrated into the institutional environment, collects information from various established systems at TU Wien, such as the project database, and thus saves DMP authors from having to enter the same data several times. Individual actions triggered by DAMAP in other TUW-internal systems and further automated processes, such as adapting the query form to the requirements of the respective funding body, are planned.

In the future, DAMAP will deliver both a DMP that can be read and edited by humans, for example as a Word document, and an maDMP whose information can be used at machine level. The content of DAMAP is generally based on Science Europe’s Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management, opens a file in a new window.

RDA Plenary Meeting 2021

With over 10,000 members from 145 countries worldwide, the Research Data Alliance, opens an external URL in a new window is one of the most important organisations for exchanging information on developments in data sharing and data-driven research. Last week, this year's plenary meeting of the RDA took place as an online conference.

In the session "Maintenance and Adoptions of the Common Standard for machine-actionable DMPs", Zeno Casellato from TU Wien’s Department of Campus Software Development had the opportunity to present the progress of the DAMAP development to the international community.

The interest in maDMPs is currently high. Accordingly, international exchange is important and interesting, and events like this meeting provide a great opportunity for it.

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TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16, 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien