All news at TU Wien

TU Wien is now Associate Member in the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC)

To realize the full potential of the bio-economy and further the transformation of renewable, natural resources into innovative bio-based products is the goal of BIC. TU Wien contributes with its longstanding expertise to the Consortium.

TU Wien has a remarkable track record in performing research together with partners from industry, thus in bridging the gap between research and the marketplace. Synergies between the bio-based industry and TU Wien can be expected especially in the research focal area “Energy and Environment” which accounts for nearly one third of TU Wien’s yearly third‐party funds. TU Wien can contribute with technological know-how and engineering for bio-based solutions, as well as their integration, upscaling and market diffusion and can deliver decision support based on comparative techno‐economic assessments for the market and policy makers. By strengthening the communication with other bio-based industry-members it can be expected, that research efforts can be concentrated more efficiently and, that project acquisition costs can be consequently minimised. Furthermore, by placing TU Wien’s technology neutral position inside the consortium, it is envisaged to optimise the work plans trajectory towards harnessing the full potential of the bio-economy in reaching the Paris‐ and Sustainable Development Goals.

At TUW currently eight research groups are involved with their research topics:

  • Institute of Chemical, Environmental & Biological Engineering:
    • Bio-resources, Plant and Food Science (Prof. Friedl)
    • Biochemical Engineering (Prof. Herwig)
    • Biochemical Technology (Prof. Mach)

  • Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry:
    • Organic & Biological Chemistry (Prof. Mihovilovic, Prof. Schröder, Dr. Rudroff,)
    • Macromolecular Chemistry (ao. Prof. Knaus, Dr. Baudis)

  • Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics:
    • Instrumental Analytical Chemistry (Prof. Marchetti-Deschmann)

  • Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives:
    • Energy Economics Group (Prof. Haas, Dr. Kranzl)

  • Institute of Materials Science and Technology
    • Non-metallic Materials (Prof. Archodoulaki)

About BIC
The Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) is a non-profit organisation set up in Brussels in 2012. It represents the private sector in a public-private partnership (PPP) with the EU, known as the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU). The BBI JU is one of the pillars of the European Commission Bio-Economy Strategy, and operates under Horizon 2020. It is dedicated to transforming renewable, natural resources into innovative bio-based products.BIC is host to a unique mix of sectors that currently covers agriculture, agro-food, technology providers, forestry/pulp and paper, chemicals and energy. The more than 200 members include large companies, small- and-medium-sized enterprises (SME) and SME clusters, Research & Technology Organisations (RTO), universities, technology platforms and associations spread across Europe. BIC thus brings together an authoritative pool of cross sector and multi-disciplinary expertise in the field of bio-based industries. BIC members have committed to collaborative research, development, innovation and demonstration of bio-based technologies and projects within the BBI JU. As an Associate Member, TU Wien is invited to participate in Working Groups, Programming Taskforces and stakeholder consultations.

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Further Information:
Dr. Gudrun Weinwurm
Research Center Energy and Environment
Technische Universität Wien
Resselgasse 3/E057A
Austria, 1040 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 58801-406600
Fax: +43 1 58801-406609
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