All news at TU Wien

TU Wien is now a Carpentries Member Organization

Three universities founded together the consortium "The Carpentries Austria" to teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers.

The Carpentries-Logo


The Carpentries, opens an external URL in a new window teaches coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide. The organization trains and fosters an active, inclusive, diverse community of learners and instructors that promotes and models the importance of software and data in research.

Instructors concept

Carpentry instructors are the core of the community. They organize and teach Carpentry workshops to spread data literacy and programming skills both locally and globally. Members of the instructor community work together to actively grow their instructional and technical skills and to become more effective in technical communication. The certified volunteer instructors, opens an external URL in a new window focus on creating a motivating and engaging environment for learners. The workshops are inclusive and hands-on, empowering participants to learn new skills and build confidence in using them in their work.

More information on teaching structure and workshops:, opens an external URL in a new window

The Carpentries Austria

The universities TU Graz, TU Wien and the University of Vienna have joined forces to form the consortium The Carpentries Austria. With the acquired Gold Membership which has been launched since 1st April 2021, five seats for each university per year will be reserved for instructor training courses. The trained instructors are expected to spread data literacy skills within their institutions as well as in cross-university events.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien