All news at TU Wien

TU Wien: Research to advance

TU Wien is establishing the "Advancement Fund" as a fund-raising format to advance fundamental research, methodological and application development and scholarships.

Sujet of Vorsprung Fond. Purple background with woman's head. Text translated from German: "Exemplary who invests in the future."

With their fact-based knowledge, researchers open up many advantages for moving society forward and, with data analyses, forecasts and technological developments, they provide the foundations for decision-makers of economics and policy. Researchers at TU Wien are using their expertise to contribute towards emerging more strongly from the current health and economic crisis. To advance fundamental research, the development of methods in the field of simulation and modelling and to advance applications in the urban and/or regional thematic areas of the environment, energy, production, mobility and logistics, TU Wien, together with the TU Wien Foundation, has established the "Advancement Fund".

A means to manage the crisis

"We need to use the collective experience of the last few months to emerge more strongly from this health and economic crisis. Only through intensive, cross-disciplinary research involving scientific discourse and transparency can innovative models for the future be developed," explained Rector Sabine Seidler.

Science is as multifaceted as the future and its challenges are complex, whether the issue is the climate crisis, the shortage of skilled labour or digitalization. TU Wien will use this fund to advance scientific work, support fundamental research and to demonstrate new innovative approaches for the environment, energy, manufacturing, mobility and logistics.

Digital scholarships for students

Students are just as hard hit by the economic crisis as a result of short-time working or the termination of part-time positions. Nevertheless, students still have their monthly overheads to pay, which also includes costs for maintaining their "digital fitness". Distance teaching and learning for students also means being equipped with the necessary hardware and software and establishing and maintaining the digital infrastructure in their homes. "TU students are problem solvers and part of a digital environment that they themselves are shaping and developing. We want to help them with this, because ultimately it will be to society's advantage," stresses Michael Kaiser, responsible for the Fundraising and Community Relations Service Unit at TUW. To support students in establishing a stable environment for successful study, the Advancement Fund includes a support channel for students who have fallen on hard times.


DI Michael Kaiser
TU Wien
Fundraising and Community Relations Service Unit
+43 1 58801 406 800
+43 664 60588 4061