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TU Wien Academic Press – New release: “Urbane Transformation durch soziale Innovation“

Why? How? What? These questions focus on the key terms and reveal perspectives.

Urbane Transformation durch soziale Innovation

The starting point for this anthology is the need for an understanding of central terms and concepts. Among 30 selected key terms, topics related to social innovation, sustainability, transformation, urban development, resilience, and transdisciplinarity were examined and described. Authors from academia, the practical sphere, and civil society were invited to engage in dialogue, capturing the diversity of disciplines and approaches, thus shaping this discourse.

The editors are scientists from the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, based at the future.lab, opens an external URL in a new window, the inter- and transdisciplinary platform for societal future issues at TU Wien.

With this publication, an initial result of the innovation workshop located at future.lab is being published by TU Wien Academic Press.

Following "Gemeinschaftliches Wohnen und selbstorganisiertes Bauen" (2021) and "Vages Terrain" (2023), this volume now sheds light on urban transformation and social innovation. This publication was financially supported by the Immobilien Privatstiftung and funds from the Climate and Energy Fund.

This publication , opens an external URL in a new windowis available as an e-book and in printed form.

More on TU Wien Academic Press, opens an external URL in a new window.