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TU Best Teaching Award for Andreas KÖRNER

The ceremony of the Best Teaching Awards of TU Wien took place on June 27, 2023. As in the past years, members of the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing were amongst the nominees.

Award Ceremony Best Teaching Awards 2023 Andreas Körner

© Matthias Heisler

Best Teaching Awards 2023

Andreas Körner receives the Best Teacher Award 2023 from the rectorate

The ceremony of the Best Teaching Awards of TU Wien took place on June 27, 2023. As in the past years, members of the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing were amongst the nominees.

This year, the Best Teacher Award at the Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation goes to Prof. Andreas KÖRNER (ASC, Head of Research Group Mathematics in Simulation and Education, Member of Research Unit of Scientific Computing and Modelling). With this award, a remarkable success continues: Since the first Best Teaching Awards in 2017, all Best Teacher Awards at the Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation went to members of the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing: Prof. Ewa WEINMÜLLER, 2017; Prof. Peter SZMOLYAN, 2018; Prof. Winfried AUZINGER, 2019; Dr. Andreas KÖRNER, 2020; Prof. Dirk PRAETORIUS, 2021; Dr. Markus FAUSTMANN, 2022 and Prof. Andreas KÖRNER, 2023.

Amongst the top-3 finalists of the Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation was also Prof. Peter SZMOLYAN (ASC, Research Unit of Analysis), furthermore amongst the TU-wide 10 nominated lectures for the Best Lecture Award were the lectures Practical Mathematics for Technical Physics taught by Prof. Andreas KÖRNER.

Andreas was appointed as an Assistant Professor earlier this year and continues the list of Best Teaching Awards at the institute, to which he last contributed with the Best Teaching Award 2020. We hope that the award will continue under the new vice rector and look forward to new nominees and winners from the Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing.