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"To reach the European climate targets, the development in the transport sector will be crucial."

During our last REN Expert talk in January 2021, a group of scientists and experts discussed the impediments and prospects of alternative energy sources. Fundamental Energy Economics Researcher Marlene Sayer from Energy Economics Group of TU Wien explains, why the transport sector in particular will play a crucial role in this context.

[Translate to English:] Marlene Sayer + Statement

“To reach the European climate targets, especially the development in the transport sector will be crucial as it is the sector with currently the lowest share of renewable energy and still rising emissions. In terms of alternatives to combustion engines, the use of direct electricity is the most efficient technology at the moment but it still has to become economically viable. The use of fuel cell vehicles will depend very much on the cost development of electrolysis and is best suited for large vehicles where too large batteries would be required, for example in trucks, ships, locomotives on rail lines not connected to the power grid and possibly in aircrafts. “

To learn more about this topic, read this report on Renewable energies in the transport sector, which is based on findings of a research project implemented by the Energy Economics Group of TU Wien and the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund.

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MSc Renewable Energy Systems - Key Facts
Final Degree: Master of Science (MSc)
Academic Director: Univ.Prof.Dr.techn. Reinhard Haas
Language: English
Duration: 4 Semesters
Location: Vienna & Bruck/Leitha
Structure: part-time, blocked modules
Next Program Start: 4. November 2021
Application Deadline: 30. June 2021
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