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Deep insights into the practice of a "real" producing plant, Volkswagen Slovakia

Group Picture with  Dr. Grünberg, CEO of Volkswagen Slovakia

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Group Picture with Dr. Grünberg, CEO of Volkswagen Slovakia

Volkswagen Slovakia Plant Tour

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Volkswagen Slovakia Plant Tour

Volkswagen Slovakia Plant Tour - Assembly Line

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Volkswagen Slovakia Plant Tour - Assembly Line

Volkswagen Slovakia Plant Tour

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Volkswagen Slovakia Plant Tour

Volkswagen Slovakia Plant Tour - Assembly Line

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Volkswagen Slovakia Plant Tour - Assembly Line

Volkswagen Slovakia Q&A Session

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Volkswagen Slovakia Q&A Session

Volkswagen Slovakia Q&A Session

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Volkswagen Slovakia Q&A Session

TU Wien has been offering an MBA program for the automotive and supplier industry since 2009, which is aimed at training managers in the automotive and supplier industry. In addition to management topics, the focus of the program is on automotive production, logistics and Industry 4.0. The program offers a balanced combination of theory and practice. A special added value are the excursions to companies of the well-known automotive production sites. To gain deep insights into processes in the automotive industry, a field trip to Volkswagen Slovakia took place on June 9, 2022.

Since its foundation in 1991, Volkswagen Slovakia has produced more than 6.5 million vehicles. In 2021, a total of 308,990 vehicles and 26,410 transmissions left the production halls. Volkswagen Slovakia is one of the most important companies in Slovakia and provides a huge economic performance of Slovakia, such as the largest taxpayer and employer in Slovakia. As the only plant at Volkswagen Slovakia, the factory produces four brands, e.g. Volkswagen Touareg, Audi Q7, Audi Q8, Porsche Cayenne, Porsche Cayenne Coupé, Volkswagen up! In 2013, Volkswagen Slovakia became the first manufacturer within the Volkswagen Group to start production of fully electric Volkswagen e-up!s.

The excursion started with the presentation of Dr. Grünberg, CEO of Volkswagen Slovakia. He introduced the company and its strategies and explained the current challenges in production, such as the semiconductor shortage. After his presentation, the tour started in the body shop. The head of the body shop accompanied the group and explained the automation process of the line, which is more than 93% automated with robots. The head of the IT department provided information on the digitization strategy and efforts in digitization in manufacturing and administration, such as the massive savings and reduction of printers. The tour continued to engine assembly. After the lunch break, the participants visited two assembly lines in an assembly hall where Volkswagen Touareg, Audi Q7, Audi Q8 and second Volkwagen up!, Volkswagen e-up! and ŠKODA KAROQ are produced. A graduate of the MBA program, Ms. Ploszeková-Hletkova, who is responsible for the company's environmental strategies, explained Volkswagen Slovakia's strategies and efforts to achieve the Zero Impact factory by reducing energy, emissions, waste and water. As a result, the company is saving about 60% in energy, emissions, waste and water compared to 2010. She emphasized the importance of the European Green Deal for the European automotive and supplier industry. As a last stop, the participants visited the logistics hall.

At the end, there was a discussion round with Dr. Grünberg, Mr. Mičik, Head of IT Project House, Mr. Repík, Head of Inhouse Logistics Control and Ms. Ploszeková-Hletkova, Head of Environmental Department. The final discussion session the real highlight of the excursion. The current supply chain problems of components, the production strategies of various types of cars were comprehensively discussed. The participants were able to gain a practical insight into the work of a successfully operating plant and discuss the current and future challenges facing the plant and the entire automotive industry with those responsible.

The participants and the program teams would like to express their sincere thanks to Volkswagen Slovakia for the hospitality and excellent organization.

More details about the MBA program and the individual courses and lecturers can be found at: MBA Automotive Industry