All news at TU Wien

Thought Leader Award for Bernhard Lendl

The award, granted by Agilent Technologies, recognizes scientists who conduct outstanding research in the fields of instrumental analytical chemistry, life sciences and diagnostics.

Portrait of Bernhard Lendl

Prof. Bernhard Lendl

Professor Bernhard Lendl conducts research in the field of molecular spectroscopy with a focus on infrared and Raman spectroscopy. For his innovative work, he has now been awarded the Thought Leader Award, a prize for trailblazing science influencers. Agilent's criteria for awarding this prize are the international visibility and reputation of the award candidate, as well as groundbreaking preliminary work on an emerging topic.

Lendl and his team at TU Wien have achieved great success in developing new spectroscopic measurement concepts for analytical chemistry. A key element in Lendl´s research is the use of new light sources, in particular custom lasers with wavelengths in the mid-infrared range. "In recent years, semiconductor-based mid-IR lasers have evolved into reliable sources that can now be used as key components for building novel sensors for liquids and gases, as well as for chemical imaging at the micro- and nanoscale. By exploiting the unique properties of these sources, such as coherence, broad tunability, as well as the achievable spectral power density, fundamentally new sensor concepts can be realized",explains Lendl.

"The research supported by this award will help develop important new applications for the spectroscopic analysis of pharmaceutically relevant biomolecules in aqueous environments", says Phil Binns, Vice President, and General Manager of Agilent's Spectroscopy Division. "This application is particularly difficult for infrared spectroscopy due to the strong interference from water."

In this regard, Prof. Lendl's approach has the potential to fit into biochemical workflows and allow the rapid assessment of proteins, viral vectors and other therapeutically promising biomolecules. "It is very exciting for us at TU Wien to actively contribute to this technological revolution and to learn that our work has also attracted the interest of Agilent, one of the leading companies in analytical instrumentation," says Bernhard Lendl.

Agilent, opens an external URL in a new window operates in the fields of instrumental analytical chemistry, life sciences and diagnostics. The company's Thought Leader Award, opens an external URL in a new window supports the development of infrared quantum cascade laser applications for biopharmaceuticals.


Prof. Bernhard Lendl
Research Unit Environmental Analytics
Process Analytics and Sensors
TU Wien
+43 1 58801 15140  


Text:Sarah Link