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Theory and Practice in Lower Austria: A Balancing Act or Perfect Complement?

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Studierende und Vertreter_innen der NÖ Landesregierung bei der Abschlusspräsentation in St.Pölten

In the summer semester of 2023, students had the opportunity to meet current challenges of spatial development in a practical way in the course of the course "Focus on spatial planning - theory and practice in Lower Austria: a balancing act or a perfect complement? Together with employees of the Lower Austrian government, challenges from the areas of mobility and (supra-local) spatial planning were considered and the solutions developed were finally presented to the community in St. Pölten (see photo).

Against the background of dynamically changing structures in as well as challenges to rural areas, the course deals with the accomplishment of a concrete task in Lower Austria with the highest possible relation to reality. After a presentation of three concrete tasks from the areas of mobility, supra-local spatial planning and regional planning, the respective selected task is worked on in small groups both on site in selected regions (excursion, local site visit) and in the Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government (practical day) and the results are presented at the end.