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„The EOSC Lustrum“ – 5 years of EOSC developments

Five years after the official launch, a reflection took place - once again in the honoured ambience of the reading room of the University Library of the University of Vienna.

Speaker at speaker's desk, panelists watching

Photo: University of Vienna | At the speaker’s desk: Karel Luyben, President of the EOSC Association 2023-25

A lūstrum (IPA: [ˈluːs̠t̪rʊ̃ˑ], plural lūstra) was a term for a five-year period in Ancient Rome. (Wikipedia, opens an external URL in a new window)

On 19 October 2023, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), together with the University of Vienna and the TU Wien, organised the event "The EOSC Lustrum - five years of EOSC developments" with the participation of the European Commission and other partners. EOSC stands for European Open Science Cloud and was developed as a concept by the European Commission. At the event in October under the motto "5 years of EOSC developments", perspectives, opportunities and challenges for data in science and research in Europe were discussed with international guests. Topic-specific sessions served to develop and exchange new ideas and perspectives, including critical discourse. The detailed programme, the speakers and the panellists can be found on the event website, opens an external URL in a new window.

The goal of EOSC

The ambition of the EOSC is to develop a ‘Web of FAIR Data and Services’ for science in Europe. EOSC will be a multi-disciplinary environment where researchers can publish, find and re-use data, tools and services, enabling them to better conduct their work. EOSC builds on existing infrastructure and services supported by the European Commission, Member States and research communities. It brings these together in a federated ‘system of systems’ approach, adding value by aggregating content and enabling services to be used together. This environment will operate under well-defined conditions to ensure trust and safeguard the public interest. Expectations of service providers and users will be made explicit to ensure appropriate behaviour.

The participation of TU Wien

Following the launch of the EOSC, the Austrian EOSC initiative was able to set up a joint virtual secretariat called EOSC Support Office Austria, opens an external URL in a new window with the support of the BMBWF. TU Wien is a full member of this initiative and is currently the deputy chair of the General Assembly.

TU Wien is also a member of the EOSC Association, opens an external URL in a new window, the legal entity that was founded to administer the EOSC and has now grown to more than 250 members and observers.

TU Wien is also currently represented in three Horizon Europe projects under the INFRAEOSC calls: EOSC Focus, opens an external URL in a new window, Skills4EOSC, opens an external URL in a new window and OS Trails (kickoff in January 2024).


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 14 (top floor), 1040 Vienna