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The EOSC is not a project, it is a process

The EOSC from the perspective of the Governance Board. Watch this interview with the Austrian Delegate.

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EOSC What You Need To Know

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) fosters open science and the digital transformation of science by providing a trusted and open virtual environment for the scientific community with seamless access to services addressing the whole research data life cycle.

We wanted to know what the EOSC means at country level, who the stakeholders are and how they can get prepared. Our Governance Board (GB) Country Delegate, Stefan Hanslik from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, explains his role in the GB and the general framework of the EOSC in a video interview.

The EOSC Governance Board

The EOSC Governance Board (GB) is an institutional group gathering representatives from the Member States and Associated Countries and from the Commission to ensure effective supervision of the EOSC implementation. It is tasked with:

  • approving the list of the Executive Board members
  • deciding the strategic orientations for the EOSC (based on the advice of the Executive Board) and approving an annual work plan
  • assessing the progress of the EOSC implementation
  • ensuring coordination with relevant Member States/Commission initiatives
  • discussing new activities in support of the EOSC, including its long-term sustainability

All 28 Member States and 10 associated countries have delegates sitting in the GB. Find more information on the, opens an external URL in a new window website.

EOSC contact at TU Wien

TU Wien is partner in the H2020 project, opens an external URL in a new window, delivering 360° support to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Governance. Specifically, it addresses the need for the set-up of an operational framework supporting the overall Governance of the EOSC. contacts at TU Wien has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Programme call H2020-INFRAEOSC-05-2018-2019, Grant Agreement number 831644.