All news at TU Wien

THE and Shanghai Subject Rankings 2023/2024 published

The TU Wien is pleased with consistently higher ratings in the just published THE Subject Ranking, while the Shanghai Subject Ranking remained similar to the previous year.

Drohnenbild TUW-Gebäude, im Vordergrund das Hauptgebäude.

© TU Wien, Foto: Matthias Heisler

University rankings are strongly perceived internationally and used as an indication of the standing of institutions. Students also often see them as a "seal of quality" for university degrees and for the research performance of universities. Nevertheless, the informative value of rankings should not be overestimated, as international university rankings only allow limited and partly distorted statements about academic performance. Moreover, national framework conditions such as the largely open university access in Austria, which leads to less favourable supervision ratios, are not taken into account in rankings (cf. and further information on the uniko pages, opens an external URL in a new window, ).

The rankings just published show partially different results for the TUW for the same subjects and a pleasing trend in the THE Subject Ranking and a about constant performance in the Shanghai Ranking. Here are the results:

THE World University Rankings by subject

In the World University Ranking published annually by Times Higher Education (THE), the TUW ranks 251-300. In addition, THE publishes annual subject rankings in which the best universities are identified by subject area. The TU Wien regularly receives strong placements here: For example, the TUW Computer Science 2024 once again achieved a top 100 place and, at 84th place, moved up almost ten places compared to the previous year. A trend that can be observed in all ranked areas. The results of the "THE University Rankings by Subject" in detail:

  • Computer Science: 84 (previous year: 93)
  • Engineering: 126–150 (previous year: 176–200)
  • Physical Sciences: 251–300 (previous year: 301–400)
  • Arts and Humanities: 301–400 (previous year: 401–500)

Further Links:

  • THE University Subject Ranking 2024: Link
  • TUW-News THE-University Ranking 2024: Link

Shanghai Ranking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2023 

This year, the TUW is represented by 12 subjects in the annual Shanghai Ranking (rank 301-400). Three areas have achieved a top 100 place, the subject "Remote Sensing", which was previously reliably ranked among the best 50, disappeared from the listing, but "Metallurgical Engineering" moved up to places 76-100:

  • Water Resources: 51–75 (previous year: 46)
  • Electrical & Electronic Engineering: 76–100 (previous year: gleich)
  • Metallurgical Engineering: 76–100 (previous year: 101–150)
  • Mathematics: 101–150 (previous year: 101-150)
  • Physics: 151–200 (previous year: 151-200)

The 201-300 group includes Atmospheric Science, Instruments Science and Technology, Computer Science (ranked 84th in THE), called Computer Science & Engineering in the Shanghai ranking, and Instruments Science & Technology.

Finally, "Earth Sciences" and "Materials Science & Engineering" landed in the 301-400 group and the subjects "Biotechnology" and "Chemistry" in the 401-500 group.

Further Links:

  • THE University Subject Ranking 2024: Link
  • TUW-News THE-University Ranking 2024: Link
  • TUW Shanghai-Ranking 2023: Link
  • Details on the Shanghai-Ranking: Link