All news at TU Wien

Tethys Kick-off

KickOff Tethys group picture

KickOff Tethys

Great kickoff of the Tethys project last week at the ICPDR, opens an external URLpremises in Vienna!
The project bears the name of the ancient Greek titan goddess of waters, as it addresses the titanic task awaiting the Danube countries to effectively tackle the complex problem of micropollutants in surface waters in the context of the ambitious EU goals, coupled with emerging external pressures and challenges.
In the next 2,5 years a strong consortium of 13 project partners and 10 associate strategic partners, under the lead of our institute, will collaborate to test and implement harmonized monitoring, inventory databases, emission modelling, improved analytical procedures and to jointly develop policy strategies.
We are looking forward to an exciting cooperation to continue the work where we stopped at the end of the Danube Hazard m3c project!