All news at TU Wien

Excursion Applied Rock Mechanics 3. - 7. June 2024

TISS Pre-Registration (4.3.2024-30.4.2024). Binding registration please until 30.4.2024 at the institute

Vajont rock slide

© Photo: A. Preh 2019

Vajont rock conduit (Photo: A. Preh 2019). The rock conduit with a demolition volume of approx. 270 million m³ cost the lives of approx. 2,500 people.

Planned route: Vienna - Innsbruck / Kühtai - Europabrücke, Vals - Longarone / Vajont rock slide (reservoir) - Bormio / Val Pola rockfall - GKI Mariastein - Innsbruck - Vienna