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Termination Analysis in Service Oriented Systems

Prof. Dr. Wolf Zimmermann will give a talk on Tuesday, March 8, 2011.

For safety and deadlock analysis of workflows, Petri-Nets are frequently used. They provide a natural abstraction of workflows since they are able to describe parallel behavior and with a variety of model checking tools, it is possible to verify these workflows. The usual approach that abstracts business processes to Petri-Nets requires that each loop (whether purely internal or with external interactions) is terminating. In this talk, we show that without this termination assumption, there are real behaviors of business processes that are not represented by the Petri-Net abstractions and we provide a first approach towards termination analysis of loops in business processes thereby ensuring the preconditions required by many Petri-Net based approaches for analyzing business processes.

CV Wolf Zimmermann:

Wolf Zimmermann graduated (1987) and obtained a PhD in Computer Science (1990) from the University of Karlsruhe (D). Then he was Research Fellow at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley. After returning to Karlsruhe (1991) he became 1992 lecturer at the University of Karlsruhe where he habilitated 1998. He became 1998 visiting professor at the Martin-Luther University
Halle-Wittenberg (D) and 1999 at the Institute National Polytechnique Grenoble (F). In 2000 he became professor at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (D) where he holds the chair of Software-Engineering and Programming Languages. Wolf Zimmermann is member of the editorial board of the Journal of Universal Computer Science and the International Journal on Cloud Computing. He was co-chair on several conferences and workshops and founded together with Jens Knoop the Workshops on Compiler Optimization meets Compiler Verification.  Wolf Zimmermann is currently a visiting professor at TU Vienna, where he delivers a lecture course on "Verifikation von Übersetzern" as part of an ERASMUS/LLP Exchange Agreement between TU Vienna and The Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.  


Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Time: 15.00 h s.t.
Place: TU Vienna, Seminarraum Zemanek, ground floorFavoritenstr. 9-11, 1040 Vienna

More information:
Univ.Prof. Dr. Jens Knoop
Institute of Computer Languages (E185)
TU Vienna
T: +43-1-58801-18510