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“Supporting my vision” - Congratulation to the winner of the 2019 „Die Presse“ scholarship for the MSc ETIA Program!

Nick Sinner

Since 2016, the daily newspaper “Die Presse” awards scholarships to students of the MSc Program „Environmental Technology and International Affairs“. This year one half-tuition fee scholarship in the amount of EUR 13,300 was granted to Nick Sinner who was chosen by the jury.

The awarding took place on May 23, 2019 at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna in the presence of  Mag. Christian Ultsch  (Die Presse), Prof. Dr. Hans Puxbaum (TU Wien), Prof. Dr. Gerhard Loibl (Diplomatic Academy), Ambassador Emil Brix (Director of the Diplomatic Academy) and of course the happy winner.

Nick Sinner, soon-to-be Bacholor in Technical Physics at TU Wien, stated: " The DIE PRESSE scholarship encourages me that the ETIA programme is the right way to work towards my ideas of an ecologically and socially just society. It is great that DIE PRESSE has recognized the importance of the challenges we are facing and supports this vision through this scholarship.”

This MSc Program was installed in 2007 as a unique cooperation between the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and TU Wien. Graduates of technical studies are supposed to get an overview about the political and legal frame of environmental technology, whereas lawyers, economists and graduates from other studies should get acquainted with the technical basics (focus on air, water and waste as well as energy, climate and sustainable development). 

Late application for the ETIA13 Program, starting in September 2019 is still possible. 

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