All news at TU Wien

Summer School on Risk

The Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems hosts a Summer School from 29 July to 4 August

From 29 July to 4 August the Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems is hosting a highly interdisciplinary Summer School on Risk.  The Summer School is organised by Prof Christian Bucher, in collaboration with Bauhaus-University Weimar and Ruhr University Bochum. 

An extremely diverse and interesting programme has been put together.  Renowned invited speakers from engineering (Prof. Dr. A.C.W.M. Vrouwenvelder, Prof. Dr. Michael Havbro Faber, DTU Civil Engineering, Denmark), microbiology (Dr. Jack F. Schijven, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands) and the insurance industry (Dr. Silvio Tschudi, Allianz SE) will be giving lectures and running workshops.  There are also a number of field trips to explore risk across engineering and environmental sciences.

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