All news at TU Wien

Start of a psychosocial counselling service at TU Wien

As a TUW student you can now contact an external psychologist who will advise and support you in various problem situations.

Life-saving ring in the water

It is a special concern of TU Wien to ensure good study conditions for students (and lecturers). In doing so, any psychological stress possibly caused by the studies should be as low as possible. As current studies show, mental illness is becoming more and more prevalent among young adults. Among students, one in six (17%) is now affected by a mental diagnosis (source: Barmer Arztreport, opens an external URL in a new window 2018). The number of students who are counselled by the psychological student counselling service because of signs of psychological stress has increased by more than 70% over the past twenty years (source: Psychological Student Counselling Service Vienna, opens an external URL in a new window, 2019).

Since the mental health of students is important to us at TU Wien, the Vice-Rectorate Academic Affairs, together with the TUW Diversity Management/Vice-Rectorate Human Resources and Gender, organised two panel discussions on the topic of "Studying with Mental Health Problems" last autumn. The great response to these two events has confirmed that there is a great need for further education at the TUW.

As a TUW student you can now contact an external psychologist who will advise and support you in various problem situations.

In which cases can you use the offer?

  • if you do not feel well psychologically
  • in acute mental crises (separation, illness, death, other stressful events)
  • if you have the impression that studying is a particular burden at the moment
  • for exam nerves
  • for fear of graduation
  • with general anxiety
  • for depressiveness
  • for sleep disorders, increased substance consumption, physical complaints without medical/somatic findings
  • in general: If you have the impression that the inner resources for conflict resolution are no longer functioning, are no longer sufficient (e.g. humour, flexibility in acting and thinking, determination, ...)

Up to three 50-minute counselling sessions per student are planned. In case of the need for longer-term (psychotherapeutic) support, the counsellor will help to arrange appropriate further offers. The offer is strictly confidential and the contents of the counselling sessions are not passed on to third parties.

How can you make contact to make an appointment?

Mag.a Nadja Springer
Psychologist and psychotherapist
Dates by prior arrangement
M +43-680–1413558
The consultations will take place at 1030 Vienna, Seidlgasse1/2.

As long as the Covid-19 restrictions apply at the university, the calls will be conducted after a telephone registration via Skype or Zoom.

Further information about Nadja Springer and the counselling services she offers can be found on our website:

Further offers

The offer for mentally ill students is constantly being expanded. Starting in the winter semester 2020/21, students can participate in workshops on topics such as exam nerves/stress management, and a panel discussion on "Studying with mental health problems at the TUW" is also planned for November 18.

We would also like to draw your attention to our service point Barrier-free Studying for disabled and chronically ill students at TU Wien. In addition to orientation and mobility training at the place of study, the service point also offers information on legal issues concerning disability and studying (examination modalities). They inform you about barrier-free accessibility and barrier-free use of the existing infrastructure (e.g. library, lecture halls, refectory etc.) and advise or support you in organizing your studies.