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City Region Brno | Blog with impressions of the excursion online

From now on, impressions of the students on the excursion to the city region Brno, within the course "Development Perspectives of the City Region Brno" by our colleagues Thomas Dillinger and Nina Svanda, are available online. On the website you can see blog entries, which deal with development perspectives, but also impressions about the visited spaces.

 Image of an interior of Villa Tugendhat. There is a table and two chairs in the room and some plants in the background.

© Corina Putz

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Villa Tugendhat

Impressions of the excursion: Villa Tugendhat

Photo from the interior facade of the Brno Exhibition Centre

© Corina Punz

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Brno Exhibition Centre

Impressions from the excursion: Brno Exhibition Centre

View from the top of several buildings, one of which is the Brno Exhibition Centre.

© Corina Punz

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Brno Exhibition Centre

Impressions of the excursion: View at the Brno Exhibition Centre.

 A group of students stands set up as TU in the Brno Exhibition Hall and takes a group photo.

© Corina Punz

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Brno Exhibition Hall

Group photo of the students in the Brno Exhibition Hall.

Image of an iron model of the city of Brno.

© Corina Putz

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City model of Brno

Impressions from the excursion: City model of Brno.

The excursion to Brno and Zlín took place on June 21 and 22, 2022, as part of the course "Development Perspectives Urban Region Brno" and was realized interdisciplinary with students of architecture and urban planning. The excursion was organized by our colleagues Thomas Dillinger and Nina Svanda, as well as colleagues from the Czech Republic: Ing. Arch. Arch. Lenka Štěpánková, Doc. Havliš and Dokoupilova-Pazderkova. During the trip, different impressions about the visited places were collected in a blog by the students, which can be read here:, opens an external URL in a new window .

Among others, the Thomas Bata Memorial or the Villa Tugendhat were visited, which give important impressions of the complex situation of the urban-rural region from an architectural and spatial planning perspective. Ing. Arch. Lenka Štěpánková also gave a guided tour of the Brno Exhibition Center, and in a following presentation she explained the Brno City Master Plan, more information about the Brno City Masterplan can be found here. , opens an external URL in a new window