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Summer universities AEMS and GBS: „Climate change – Is there a new dynamic?“

The AEMS and GBS Summer Universities have started - the opening event with high-profile panelists is now available to watch online.

Group foto at the Kuppelsaal

© Nina Hainfellner

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AEMS team and a few AEMS students who are in Vienna and the speakers in the middle.

Group foto at the Kuppelsaal

© Nina Hainfellner

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AEMS team and a few AEMS students who are in Vienna and the speakers in the middle.

Around the globe, climate change drives crowds of people onto the streets to protest, calling for a change in mindset and assumption of responsibility.
Can this be viewed as the dawn of a new dynamic? Are we on the threshold of a socio-ecological transformation and upheaval in today's society? 

With these questions in mind, the interdisciplinary online summer universities Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems, opens an external URL in a new window and Green.Building.Solutions, opens an external URL in a new window. share the aim of finding new pathways for a more sustainable future as well as a healthier planet – and we are very pleased to announce they have kicked off in Vienna on Monday, 19th July with 101 students from 47 nations!

The event welcomed the three speakers Helga Kromp-Kolb (climate expert), Anika Dafert (activist at Fridays for Future Austria) and Gabu Heindl (architect and urban planner). In case you've missed it, the recording is available to watchhere, opens an external URL in a new window.

Anika Dafert took over the stage to talk with passion of the climate crisis and how people are putting things to the back of their minds – also pointing out the recent extrem events happening all over the planet. In the title-giving input speech of the event Helga Kromp-Kolb continued from there by pointing out the development in global temperature over the centuries, and welcomed pledges made by nations around the world, and shareholder pressure for a more sustainable future as signals of hope. Completing the trio of speakers was Gabu Heindl, who discussed the climate in relation to her profession, seeing that as an architect, the focus lies on new constructions, as opposed to planning non-construction. She discussed rights and demands on resources, land and water, and how different people and countries have different perspectives on the issue.

We are happy to have welcomed an audience of almost 100 people attending in person, as well as another 80 interested people joining in via the live-stream from all over the world. Over the course of these next three weeks, the summer universities are taking place online.

Watch the event online: 

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Sommerunis AEMS und GBS: „Climate change – Is there a new dynamic