All news at TU Wien

Software upgrades in the backbone network

On Friday, January 10, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., software upgrades will be carried out in the TU Wien backbone network.

After the successful upgrade of the switch routers for the Karlsplatz, Freihaus and Datacenter locations as well as both core switch routers on November 15, 2024, we would now like to subject the remaining switch routers to this upgrade, especially in order to continue to be able to count on technical support from the manufacturer.

The following areas are affected:

  • Getreidemarkt (BA, BB, BC, BD, BE, BF, BH, BI, BZ)
  • Gusshaus (CA-CE, CF-CG, CH, CI, GA/uniko)
  • Treitlstraße/Operngasse (DE, DF)
  • Argentinierstraße (EA)
  • Favoritenstraße (HA-HI, HL, QA)
  • Science Center Arsenal (OA, OB, OC, OD, OY-OZ, PA)
  • Atominstitut (ZA-ZD, ZE)

The upgrade takes about 30 to 45 minutes per area. Since the software problem that caused the previous maintenance window did not occur with these switch routers, we are performing the upgrade during ongoing operations (In-Service Software Upgrade, ISSU). This means that there may be a reduction in network speed during the upgrade, but the basic accessibility of all end devices should be maintained.

If you have any questions or problems while working, please contact the TUnet releaser at your institute or Thank you for your patience!