All news at TU Wien

Software upgrade in the TU Wien data center network

On August 29, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., a software upgrade in the data center network of TU Wien will be performed. Thanks to extensive redundancies, there should be no outage of the services located in the data center.

Update 8:45 pm: The maintenance work has been completed. We apologize for the major service outage around 5:00 pm; the component responsible will be replaced soon.

Update 4:00 pm: The maintenance work is progressing but could not be completed on time. We strive to finish before 6:00 pm.

The data center network of TU Wien is one of the important cornerstones of the central IT applications of TU Wien, such as upTUdate, TISS, or TUWEL. The upgrade is necessary to increase the stability of this network; it is being performed in consultation with the administration teams of the affected applications. The upgrade process may cause some temporary performance issues with the central IT applications; we apologize for any inconvenience caused.