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Software-Update of the switches between 2021-04-06 and 2021-04-09

In the course of the periodic update of the switches in TUnet, all switches of the newer series will be rebooted with a new software version during the Easter week in the period from 06 April 2021 to 09 April 2021.

This reboot does not affect switches located in serverhousing areas, switches in lecture halls or offices can loose their connection during the restarts, therefore attached devices can be without outbound connection for that period.
This reboot may affect switches that have been already rebooted in the previous month, as the update fixes (potential) bugs and running all switches on the same software version simplifies the handling of possible bugs.

The following dates are set for this:

  • Tuesday, 06. April 2021: A (Karlsplatz) and C (Gusshausstraße)
    Mainly affected areas Karlsplatz: AB03/AB04/AC02/AC04/AEU1/AFU1/AFEG/AHZE/AH01
    Not affected Areas Gusshausstraße: CG, CH, CI
  • Wednesday, 07. April 2021: B (Getreidemarkt) und EB/EC (Karlsgasse)
    Not affected Areas Getreidemarkt: BA, BL
  • Thursday, 08. April 2021: D (Freihaus), DD (Bibliothek), DE (Treitlstrasse), DF (Operngasse)
  • Friday, 9. April 2021: O (Arsenal), P (Pilotfabrik), Q (Theresianumgasse).

The restarts are carried out between approx. 06:00 and 07:30, whereby an outage of approx. 15 minutes can usually be assumed. This outage affects all connected devices including WLAN-connections.

In case of queries or problems in the course of the software update, please contact the responsible TUnet contact person at your institute or the Service Center at the email address