All news at TU Wien

SharedRDM project meeting at TU Graz

Members of the TU Wien Center for Research Data Management travelled to Graz to update the project partners on DAMAP.

Group photo with 27 people, a modern building can be seen in the background.

© Laura Thaci

The meeting participants in Graz.

Despite the storm cancelling trains, several project members managed to travel to Graz on September 17th and 18th for a workshop. For everybody else, the organizers thankfully provided online access. The gathering was the second meeting of the SharedRDM, opens an external URL in a new window project, which began in July 2023 and runs until mid-2026.

The first day focused on the status of each of the work packages: what has been completed and what activities lie ahead. Specific presentations were given on maDMPs (DAMAP, opens an external URL in a new window), eLabFTW, CyVerse, repository systems (InvenioRDM, Phaidra, DBRepo), as well as shared competencies. The second day was mainly spent in two break-out sessions in which the attendees exchanged their thoughts on how to improve the interaction and development within the technical system communities and shared competencies presented on the first day.

The TU Wien team enjoyed the opportunity to connect with their SharedRDM partners and looks forward to close collaboration with them in the months ahead.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna