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Seestadt on the go is available ONLINE!

From the airfield to Seestadt - experience yourself what it is like to discover aspern Seestadt in form of several interactive #AMLstorymaps! For the #AMLstorymaps we processed the data ...

flyer #AMLstorymaps


flyer #AMLstorymaps

From the airfield to Seestadt - experience yourself what it is like to discover aspern Seestadt in form of several interactive #AMLstorymaps!

For the #AMLstorymaps we processed the data from the mobility panel and Walk&Feel. In addition, valuable knowledge gathered from interviews with both, locals and experts, makes our storymaps even better.

But don't take our word for it - see for yourself! →storymaps, opens an external URL in a new window

[Last updated: 2020-12-07]