All news at TU Wien

Schleibinger workshop "Rheologische Messungen an mineralischen Baustoffen''

1. March 2023 - Regensburg (Deutschland)

Talks & Group picture - Regensburg 2023

Three of us attended the 32nd Schleibinger Workshop on "Rheological Measurements of Mineral Construction Materials".

Subhransu Dhar  (PhD) presented a talk on heterogeneous flow processes in sheared cement suspensions, and Teresa Liberto (Ass. Prof) spoke about SAOS as a predictive tool for assessing residual reactivity in recycled binders.

We also took the opportunity to explore the historic old town of Regensburg, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here we are on the Stone Bridge, a 12th-century bridge over the Danube, a masterpiece of medieval architecture.

Thank you to the organizers for this friendly and open workshop. We will definitely return!