All news at TU Wien

Save the Date: Multilocal Symposium / 10-12.05.2023 / landuni Drosendorf

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A large part of the population lives multilocally and thus in several places. Current trends, such as individualisation, location-independent working and the desire for rural life, are bringing the phenomenon of multilocality more and more into rural areas and also increasingly into the focus of science, planning and politics. The examination of temporary presence and absence also includes urgent questions about mobility, living together, housing and working in rural regions. At the Multilocal Symposium 10-12 May 2023 at the landuni Drosendorf, these questions will be addressed and challenges, opportunities, requirements for action and the latest research findings on multilocal lifestyles in rural regions will be discussed. Actors from science, planning, politics, students, residents of the region and interested parties are cordially invited.

The symposium will take place within the framework of the research project "Spatial possibilities for action in the context of multilocality and rural areas, opens an external URL in a new window". The project is being carried out by the TU Vienna (lead) together with Neuland21 and GemNova and is supported by local project partners. Barbara Steinbrunner from the research unit Land Policy and Land Management is part of the TU Vienna team involved in the project.

Further information:, opens an external URL in a new window