All news at TU Wien

Vienna Bio-PDE Days 2024

The Institute of Mathematics at the University of Vienna and the Institute of Analysis und Scientific Computing at TU Wien started the new semester with a joint workshop.

Group photo on a terrace with Vienna's city in the background

© Matteo Tommasini

The institute's members Elisa Davoli and Ansgar Jüngel have successfully organized together with Sara Merino (Uni Wien) the "Vienna Bio-PDE Days" workshop from 28 February to 1 March 2024 with over 40 participants from France, Germany, UK, Italy, Netherlands, and Japan. The workshop focused on the interface of biological models/applications and their mathematical analysis and simulation. It aimed to strengthen interactions between scientists from applied mathematics and biosciences. A highlight was the "Distinguished PDE Lecture" of Benoit Perthame about partial differential equations for neural assemblies.