All news at TU Wien

Restart of CF01 switch on Tue 08 Sep 2020

Due to necessary software updates, the switch for floor CF01 (area between staircases 7 and 10) must be restarted. This will be performed on Tuesday, 8 September 2020 at about 06:30 am.

On Friday (04 September), a section of the first floor of Altes EI (CF01) experienced an interruption of all network connections. The affected rooms were those between staircases 7 and 10. The area between staircases 6 and 7 as well as the area beyond staircase 10 (building CG) were not affected.

To drastically reduce the probability of another such interruption, a software update must be installed on the switches responsible for this area; after the installation is complete, the switches must be restarted. During the restart, all devices on the affected floors will lose their network connections for approx. 10 to 15 minutes. This includes PCs, phones, access control systems and Wi-Fi connections. The restart should have no other noticeable effect.

Please direct questions and problem reports in conjunction with this work to the TUnet approver of your institute or